
原文档由会员 梦幻星光 发布
Design of the main drive system of 6KW Wind Generator
As the demand for energy is bigger and bigger,but some kinds of energy have become dried up,such as petroleum and coal etc.It’S greatly urgent to find some new kinds of energy.Due to some excellences,as no-pollute,circularable using etc.wind power has been regarded by many countries.Exploiting wind energy resources is of great significance in improving energy structure. In the discourse,the characters of wind generator are introduced briefly,while parameters and types of wind generators are also narrated. Base on these,the theory and constitution of the wind generator are meticulously analyzed. Firstly,Has carried on the design to wind-driven generator's overall mechanism, And has designed the regulating control system.
What I design is one kind of horizontal axis small wind-driven generator, by the air blower impeller, the column, the crossbeam, the gearshift mechanism, the engaging and disengaging gear and the generator is composed. This kind of generator has the volume to be small, the noise is small, the service life is long, the price low characteristic, suits in has the wind energy resources area building crown, the supply family uses electricity, For example illumination: The light bulb, conserves energy the lamp; Domestic electric appliances: Television, radio, electric fan, washer, electric refrigerator.
Key words:Small Type Wind power generator; horizontal axis;main drive system
第一章 概述 1
1.1 风力发电机概况 1
1.2 国内外风力发电机的研究现状 3
1.2.1 国外风力发电机的研制情况 3
1.2.2国内风力发电机的研制情况 5
1.2.3 我国风力机械行业现状和发展趋势 7
1.3 研究风力发电机的目的和意义 8
1.4 我国的风能资源及其分布 10
第二章 风力机理论 12
2.1 基本公式 12
2.1.1 风能利用系数 12
2.1.2 风压强 13
2.1.3 阻力式风力机的最大效率 13
2.2 工作风速与输出功率 14
2.2.1 风力发电机的输出效率 14
2.2.2 工作风速与输出功率 14
2.2.3 启动风速和额定风速的选定 15
2.3 风能利用与气象 17
2.3.1 风的观测对风能利用的意义 17
2.3.2 风能利用中需要的气象调查 17
2.4 风的观测 18
第三章 风力发电机方案和结构设计 19
3.1 小型水平式风力发电机方案设计 19
3.2偏航系统 19
3.3同步发电机和异步发电机 20
3.3 行星齿轮加速器设计计算 20
3.3.1 设计要求 20
3.3.2 选加速器类型 21
3.3.3压力角( )的选择 21
3.3.4 齿宽系数的选择 22
3.3.5 模数及其它参数的选择及相关计算 22
3.3.6 行星轮与内齿轮之间的传动计算 24
3.3.7输入轴设计 25
3.3.8输出轴的设计 27
第四章 调速机构设计 29
第五章 行星齿轮的校核 31
5.1齿面接触强度验算 31
5.2齿根弯曲强度验算 34
5.2.1 a-c齿轮副 34
5.2.2 b-c齿轮副 37
第六章 输入轴强度校核 40
第七章 总结 44
参考文献 45
致谢 47
附录A 48
Design of the main drive system of 6KW Wind Generator
As the demand for energy is bigger and bigger,but some kinds of energy have become dried up,such as petroleum and coal etc.It’S greatly urgent to find some new kinds of energy.Due to some excellences,as no-pollute,circularable using etc.wind power has been regarded by many countries.Exploiting wind energy resources is of great significance in improving energy structure. In the discourse,the characters of wind generator are introduced briefly,while parameters and types of wind generators are also narrated. Base on these,the theory and constitution of the wind generator are meticulously analyzed. Firstly,Has carried on the design to wind-driven generator's overall mechanism, And has designed the regulating control system.
What I design is one kind of horizontal axis small wind-driven generator, by the air blower impeller, the column, the crossbeam, the gearshift mechanism, the engaging and disengaging gear and the generator is composed. This kind of generator has the volume to be small, the noise is small, the service life is long, the price low characteristic, suits in has the wind energy resources area building crown, the supply family uses electricity, For example illumination: The light bulb, conserves energy the lamp; Domestic electric appliances: Television, radio, electric fan, washer, electric refrigerator.
Key words:Small Type Wind power generator; horizontal axis;main drive system
第一章 概述 1
1.1 风力发电机概况 1
1.2 国内外风力发电机的研究现状 3
1.2.1 国外风力发电机的研制情况 3
1.2.2国内风力发电机的研制情况 5
1.2.3 我国风力机械行业现状和发展趋势 7
1.3 研究风力发电机的目的和意义 8
1.4 我国的风能资源及其分布 10
第二章 风力机理论 12
2.1 基本公式 12
2.1.1 风能利用系数 12
2.1.2 风压强 13
2.1.3 阻力式风力机的最大效率 13
2.2 工作风速与输出功率 14
2.2.1 风力发电机的输出效率 14
2.2.2 工作风速与输出功率 14
2.2.3 启动风速和额定风速的选定 15
2.3 风能利用与气象 17
2.3.1 风的观测对风能利用的意义 17
2.3.2 风能利用中需要的气象调查 17
2.4 风的观测 18
第三章 风力发电机方案和结构设计 19
3.1 小型水平式风力发电机方案设计 19
3.2偏航系统 19
3.3同步发电机和异步发电机 20
3.3 行星齿轮加速器设计计算 20
3.3.1 设计要求 20
3.3.2 选加速器类型 21
3.3.3压力角( )的选择 21
3.3.4 齿宽系数的选择 22
3.3.5 模数及其它参数的选择及相关计算 22
3.3.6 行星轮与内齿轮之间的传动计算 24
3.3.7输入轴设计 25
3.3.8输出轴的设计 27
第四章 调速机构设计 29
第五章 行星齿轮的校核 31
5.1齿面接触强度验算 31
5.2齿根弯曲强度验算 34
5.2.1 a-c齿轮副 34
5.2.2 b-c齿轮副 37
第六章 输入轴强度校核 40
第七章 总结 44
参考文献 45
致谢 47
附录A 48