
原文档由会员 梦幻星光 发布
Automatic Sticking Label With Paste Apparatus of Beer Bottles Base on PIC
The system function is automatic sticking labels with a simple mechanical apparatus,this is the design destination.
The mechanical apparatus principally includes two parts:the upper is the actuating mechanism and the lower is the flat belt mechanism.The stepper motor 1 is the power supply for the actuating mechanism,the stepper motor 2 is the power supply for the flat belt mechanism and the chip microcomputer is the cerebrum for the whole mechanical apparatus.It controls the working time and the enablement hour and stoping hour of the stepper motor 1 and the stepper motor 2.In this way,the actuating mechanism and the the flat belt mechanism finish the reserve kinesi.
The flat belt mechanism function is singleness.It principally delivers the beer bottles to the actuating mechanism and the rest of the task is completed by the actuating mechanism.
There are four chief constituents in the actuating mechanism:Labeling machine construction,Sticks the lake organization,Cutting organization and Labeling machine construction.They are independent machine constructions and have the same construction,but they with close connection are not independent.Label input mechanism inputs the labels;Sticks the lake organization sticks the labels with the paste;Cutting organization cutes off the lables and Labeling machine construction sticks the labels on the beer bottle.Thare are mutual cooperation and mutual coordination to complet the task with the aid of chip microcomputer,which controls accurately and stablly.
In a word,this is a system which is sample,reliable,practicable,well controlling,with strong ability of anti-jamming.
Keywords: Label;Automatic sticking;chip microcomputer
绪论 1
1自动粘贴装置的介绍 2
1.1装置的基本模型 2
1.2总体工作原理 2
1.3本章小结 3
2 总体方案的设计 4
2.1总体方案的拟定 4
2.1.1执行机构方案一 4
2.1.2执行机构方案二 6
2.1.3执行机构方案的确定 6
2.1.4平带传动机构方案的确定 7
2.2总体尺寸的初步分配 8
2.3执行机构运行速度的初步确定 8
2.4步进电机的选型 9
2.5该方案的优缺点 10
2.6本章小结 10
3 执行机构的设计 11
3.1标签输入机构的设计 11
3.1.1标签输入机构的组成 11
3.1.2标签输入机构的工作原理 11
3.1.3标签输入机构的特点 13
3.2剪切标签机构的设计 14
3.2.1剪切机构的组成 14
3.2.2剪切机构的原理 15
3.2.3剪切机构的特点 16
3.3浆糊机构的设计 17
3.3.1浆糊机构的组成 17
3.3.2浆糊机构的工作原理 18
3.3.3浆糊机构的工艺要求 18
3.3.4浆糊机构的特点 18
3.4贴标签机构的设计 19
3.4.1贴标签机构的组成 19
3.4.2贴标签机构的工作原理 19
3.4.3贴标签机构的特点 21
3.5本章小结 22
4 传动的设计 23
4.1平带的设计 23
4.2带轮的设计 24
4.2.1平带轮的设计要求 24
4.2.2平带轮的材料 24
4.2.3平带轮的结构设计 24
4.2.4联接平键的选型 25
4.3轴的设计 25
4.3.1主动轴 25轴承及轴承润滑方式 27
4.3.2从动轴 27
4.4本章小结 29
5 单片机控制的设计 31
5.1单片机硬件的设计 31
5.1.1单片机 31
5.1.2步进电机 31
5.1.3脉冲分配器 32
5.1.4功率放大电路 32
5.2控制时间的计算 33
5.2.1步进电机1的速度与时间 34
5.2.2步进电机2的速度与时间 35
5.3编程 36
5.3.1流程图 36
5.3.2程序清单 40
5.1本章小结 43
结论及尚存在的问题 45
参考文献 46
致谢 48
Automatic Sticking Label With Paste Apparatus of Beer Bottles Base on PIC
The system function is automatic sticking labels with a simple mechanical apparatus,this is the design destination.
The mechanical apparatus principally includes two parts:the upper is the actuating mechanism and the lower is the flat belt mechanism.The stepper motor 1 is the power supply for the actuating mechanism,the stepper motor 2 is the power supply for the flat belt mechanism and the chip microcomputer is the cerebrum for the whole mechanical apparatus.It controls the working time and the enablement hour and stoping hour of the stepper motor 1 and the stepper motor 2.In this way,the actuating mechanism and the the flat belt mechanism finish the reserve kinesi.
The flat belt mechanism function is singleness.It principally delivers the beer bottles to the actuating mechanism and the rest of the task is completed by the actuating mechanism.
There are four chief constituents in the actuating mechanism:Labeling machine construction,Sticks the lake organization,Cutting organization and Labeling machine construction.They are independent machine constructions and have the same construction,but they with close connection are not independent.Label input mechanism inputs the labels;Sticks the lake organization sticks the labels with the paste;Cutting organization cutes off the lables and Labeling machine construction sticks the labels on the beer bottle.Thare are mutual cooperation and mutual coordination to complet the task with the aid of chip microcomputer,which controls accurately and stablly.
In a word,this is a system which is sample,reliable,practicable,well controlling,with strong ability of anti-jamming.
Keywords: Label;Automatic sticking;chip microcomputer
绪论 1
1自动粘贴装置的介绍 2
1.1装置的基本模型 2
1.2总体工作原理 2
1.3本章小结 3
2 总体方案的设计 4
2.1总体方案的拟定 4
2.1.1执行机构方案一 4
2.1.2执行机构方案二 6
2.1.3执行机构方案的确定 6
2.1.4平带传动机构方案的确定 7
2.2总体尺寸的初步分配 8
2.3执行机构运行速度的初步确定 8
2.4步进电机的选型 9
2.5该方案的优缺点 10
2.6本章小结 10
3 执行机构的设计 11
3.1标签输入机构的设计 11
3.1.1标签输入机构的组成 11
3.1.2标签输入机构的工作原理 11
3.1.3标签输入机构的特点 13
3.2剪切标签机构的设计 14
3.2.1剪切机构的组成 14
3.2.2剪切机构的原理 15
3.2.3剪切机构的特点 16
3.3浆糊机构的设计 17
3.3.1浆糊机构的组成 17
3.3.2浆糊机构的工作原理 18
3.3.3浆糊机构的工艺要求 18
3.3.4浆糊机构的特点 18
3.4贴标签机构的设计 19
3.4.1贴标签机构的组成 19
3.4.2贴标签机构的工作原理 19
3.4.3贴标签机构的特点 21
3.5本章小结 22
4 传动的设计 23
4.1平带的设计 23
4.2带轮的设计 24
4.2.1平带轮的设计要求 24
4.2.2平带轮的材料 24
4.2.3平带轮的结构设计 24
4.2.4联接平键的选型 25
4.3轴的设计 25
4.3.1主动轴 25轴承及轴承润滑方式 27
4.3.2从动轴 27
4.4本章小结 29
5 单片机控制的设计 31
5.1单片机硬件的设计 31
5.1.1单片机 31
5.1.2步进电机 31
5.1.3脉冲分配器 32
5.1.4功率放大电路 32
5.2控制时间的计算 33
5.2.1步进电机1的速度与时间 34
5.2.2步进电机2的速度与时间 35
5.3编程 36
5.3.1流程图 36
5.3.2程序清单 40
5.1本章小结 43
结论及尚存在的问题 45
参考文献 46
致谢 48