原文档由会员 梦幻星光 发布汽车覆盖件回弹模拟精度的主因素分析
Analysis of Main Factors on Accuracy of Springback Simulation for Automobile Panel
Automobile parts stamping deformation of complex structure and the factors that affect many, determine its deformation during stamping the complexity of analysis is extremely difficult. At the same time as the automobile industry, Stamping become increasingly difficult in the spring issue has attracted the world's automotive industry and academic attention. Springback Prediction and Control of the current issue has become a hot research topic and one of the difficulties.
In the spring of the research work, mainly focused on domestic and international research on the curved part of the class of automobile panel drawing complex parts of the less resilient, and covering parts of the study also focused on break and play wrinkled areas. For the current study, this paper uses finite element simulation software DYNAFORM, combined with elastic-plastic finite element method panel studying the pattern of rebound.
First of all, the car of the panels and metal forming deformation characteristics were summarized, introducing the history of development of Springback Prediction Method scholars at home and abroad the achievements made in these areas, pointing out that the finite element numerical simulation is the prediction of springback very effective. Secondly, numerical simulation Stamping key technology research and theory are discussed and summarized the study described in the spring used in modeling and calculation methods, it analyzes the panel forming and springback simulation material parameters , blank holder force on the springback simulation accuracy.
A typical panel, for example, to achieve the forming process and springback simulation. Each of the blank holder force, the material Young's modulus for panel forming and springback. The results show that: springback with the blank holder force, Young's modulus increases.
Use of the automobile fender DYNAFORM forming and springback simulation that DYNAFORM springback prediction simulation software has great practical value. Finally, software analysis ISIGHT rebound and blank holder force, the mathematical relationship between Young's modulus
Key words: DYNAFORM; main factors analysis; die; isight
1 绪论 5
1.1 引言 5
1.2 汽车覆盖件的变形特点及其回弹 7
1.2.1 汽车覆盖件的特点 7
1.2.2 汽车覆盖件成形过程中的回弹 7
1.3 板料成形回弹问题的发展及其研究现状 8
1.3.1 解析研究 8
1.3.2 实验研究 9
1.3.3 有限元数值模拟方法 9
1.4 本文主要研究内容 10
2 汽车覆盖件的冲压工艺分析 11
2.1 汽车覆盖件 11
2.1.1 对覆盖件的要求 11
2.1.2 汽车覆盖件冲压工艺的特点 12
2.2 冲压工艺的确定 12
2.2.1 冲压方向的确定 12
2.2.2 合理增加工艺补充部分 13
2.2.3 正确培植压料面形状 14
2.2.4 汽车的翼子板 14
2.2.5 工艺分析 15
2.2.6 冲压方向及工序 15
2.2.7 压料面及工艺补充部分的设计 15
2.3 选用模具的类型及结构 16
2.3.1 三种拉延模的比较 16
2.3.2 确定拉深模的类型 18
2.4 选用压力机 18
2.4.1 采用双动压力机的优点 18
2.4.2 初步选定压力机 18
3 汽车覆盖仦的有限元分析 19
3.1 DYNAFOR 的几个功能模块 19
3.1.1 DYNAFORM的兠个刟能模坕 19
3.1.2 DYNAFORM求解器 20
3.1.3 DYNAOPM的后处理 20
3.2 DYNAFORM的仿真步骤 20
3.3 采用仿真技术的优点 22
3.4 模具设计的有限元分析仿真与分析 23
3.4.1 参数初步确定 23
3.4.2 模型的建立 23
3.4.3 对零件进行网格划分 24
3.4.4 调整冲压方向 26
3.4.5 创建压料面和工艺补充部分 27
3.4.6 对压料面进行裁剪 29
3.4.7 毛坯形状大小计算材料性质特性 29
3.4.8 Draw Die模块参数设置 29
3.4.9 成形缺陷的分析判断 31
3.4.10 调整压边力与材料系数并作回弹计算 32
3.4.11 分析回弹结果 33
4 影响回弹的主因素分析 35
4.1 引言 35
4.2 回弹优化分析 35
4.2.1 前期准备 35
4.2.2 通过算法得到优化结果 36
4.3 主因素分析 37
5 模具结构设计的确定 38
5.1 结构尺寸参数 38
5.2 凹模设计 39
5.2.1 凹模结构 40
5.2.2 凹模压料面宽度尺寸的确定 40
5.3 导向板 40
5.4 空气孔 41
5.5顶件器顶件 42
5.6模具总装图 42
总结 44
参考文献 45
致谢 46
附录 47