
原文档由会员 梦幻星光 发布
The instiution design of turret carriage
Production become more efficient and the pursuit of the machine tool change process automation becomes necessary, a variety of automatic tool changer came into being. The most representative is hexagonal rotating turret, it is economical and practical.
This paper studies the institutional structure and operation principle of the hexagonal rotating turret of lathe .The hexagonal rotating turret is divided into sub-degree rotating turret part, hydraulic pressure part, the final precise positioning mechanism part. The sub-degree rotating turret part makes the turret turning ,the final precise positioning mechanism part determines the repeat positioning accuracy of turret. This paper proposes a viable spell design, and make main design on sub-degree institutions and the final positioning mechanism for detailed study .and design of sub-degree institutions where the core design with the crown wheel clutch, precision positioning mechanism with bolt part core design . Finaly completed the instiution design of hexagonal rotating turret .
Keywords: instiution ;design ;turret ;carriage
摘要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1前言 1
1.2数控技术的发展趋势 2
1.3我国数控机床的现状与发展前景 3
1.4自动换刀技术及数控车床的自动换刀装置 4
1.5本课题研究的内容 5
第二章 自动换刀技术发展 6
2.1自动换刀技术产生的背景及其意义 6
2.2自动换刀装置的形式 6
2.2.1回转刀架式自动换刀装置 6
2.2.2换主轴换刀 9
2.2.3更换主轴箱换刀 9
2.2.4带刀库的自动换刀系统 10
2.3自动换刀装置未来的发展方向 11
第三章 数控车床的六角回转刀架的设计原理和依据 12
3.1数控车床的六角回转刀架的换刀工程 12
3.2数控车床的六角回转刀架的设计要求 13
3.3数控车床的六角回转刀架的机构设计中的几个主要问题 13
3.4本章小结 14
第四章 数控车床的六角回转刀架的机构设计 15
4.1数控车床的六角回转刀架的分度机构结构设计 15
4.1.1分度机构结构设计的总思路 15
4.1.2分度机构的刀架主轴设计 15
4.1.3主活塞的设计 17
4.1.4端齿盘离合器的设计 21
4.1.5分度活塞的设计 29
4.2精定位机构——活动插销机构设计 30
4.2.1定位原理、设计思路 30
4.2.2材料选择 30
4.2.3活动插销机构的结构设计 30
4.2.4插销机构的公差带设计 31
4.2.5对插销轴进行校核 32
4.2.6校核结论 33
4.3 刀夹衬套的设计简述 34
参考文献 38
致谢 39
附录清单 40
The instiution design of turret carriage
Production become more efficient and the pursuit of the machine tool change process automation becomes necessary, a variety of automatic tool changer came into being. The most representative is hexagonal rotating turret, it is economical and practical.
This paper studies the institutional structure and operation principle of the hexagonal rotating turret of lathe .The hexagonal rotating turret is divided into sub-degree rotating turret part, hydraulic pressure part, the final precise positioning mechanism part. The sub-degree rotating turret part makes the turret turning ,the final precise positioning mechanism part determines the repeat positioning accuracy of turret. This paper proposes a viable spell design, and make main design on sub-degree institutions and the final positioning mechanism for detailed study .and design of sub-degree institutions where the core design with the crown wheel clutch, precision positioning mechanism with bolt part core design . Finaly completed the instiution design of hexagonal rotating turret .
Keywords: instiution ;design ;turret ;carriage
摘要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1前言 1
1.2数控技术的发展趋势 2
1.3我国数控机床的现状与发展前景 3
1.4自动换刀技术及数控车床的自动换刀装置 4
1.5本课题研究的内容 5
第二章 自动换刀技术发展 6
2.1自动换刀技术产生的背景及其意义 6
2.2自动换刀装置的形式 6
2.2.1回转刀架式自动换刀装置 6
2.2.2换主轴换刀 9
2.2.3更换主轴箱换刀 9
2.2.4带刀库的自动换刀系统 10
2.3自动换刀装置未来的发展方向 11
第三章 数控车床的六角回转刀架的设计原理和依据 12
3.1数控车床的六角回转刀架的换刀工程 12
3.2数控车床的六角回转刀架的设计要求 13
3.3数控车床的六角回转刀架的机构设计中的几个主要问题 13
3.4本章小结 14
第四章 数控车床的六角回转刀架的机构设计 15
4.1数控车床的六角回转刀架的分度机构结构设计 15
4.1.1分度机构结构设计的总思路 15
4.1.2分度机构的刀架主轴设计 15
4.1.3主活塞的设计 17
4.1.4端齿盘离合器的设计 21
4.1.5分度活塞的设计 29
4.2精定位机构——活动插销机构设计 30
4.2.1定位原理、设计思路 30
4.2.2材料选择 30
4.2.3活动插销机构的结构设计 30
4.2.4插销机构的公差带设计 31
4.2.5对插销轴进行校核 32
4.2.6校核结论 33
4.3 刀夹衬套的设计简述 34
参考文献 38
致谢 39
附录清单 40