原文档由会员 梦幻星光 发布
The Injection Model Design of Two-color Travel Cup
Plastics industry is one of the fastest growing industry categories in the world, and the injection mold is one of the types of rapid development. Therefore, it has great significance to understand the production process of injection mold plastic products and improve its quality when we research injection mold plastic products.
The design introduces the basic principles of injection molding, in particular the two-color injection mold the structure and working principle. And it proposes the basic design principles of injection molding products. It gives details of the injection mold, pouring hot flow, temperature regulation system and to the top of design process. Besides, the mold have strength requirements done. Finally, it introduces the PROGRAM module of most popular 3D CAD / CAM system software standard PRO / ENGNEER in the world. And the Screw and Spring sets parameters for the design.
Through this design, we can have a preliminary understanding of the injection mold. At the same time, we note that the design of certain details of the understanding die structure and working principle. Through the study of PROGRAM, we can create a relatively simple components parts store, and effectively improve efficiency.
Key word: The plastic mold;the profile;Pouring System;two-color
1.绪论 1
1.1 各种模具的分类和占有量 1
1.2我国塑料模的现状 2
1.3塑料模发展趋势 3
1.4本章小结 5
2.塑件的结构工艺性 6
2.1 功能设计 6
2.2材料选择(聚丙烯:PP) 6
2.3塑料配方说明 7
2.4 塑件的结构 8
2.4.1 壁厚 8
2.4.2 脱模斜度 8
2.4.3圆角 8
2.5 塑件的尺寸精度及表面质量 9
2.5.1尺寸精度 9
2.5.2塑件的表面质量 10
2.6本章小结 10
3.塑件成型原理及工艺特性 11
3.1 注塑成型工艺简介 11
3.2 注塑成型工艺条件 12
3.3注射机的选择 14
3.3.1注塑机基本参数 14
3.3.2选择注塑机 15
3.4注射机的校核 17
3.4.1 最大注塑量的校核 17
3.4.2 锁模力的校核 18
3.4.3 塑化能力的校核 18
3.4.4 喷嘴尺寸校核 18
3.4.5 模具外形尺寸校核 18
3.4.6 模具安装尺寸校核 18
3.4.7 开模行程校核 19
3.5本章小结 19
4.分型面的选择与浇注系统 20
4.1 分型面 20
4.1.1分型面的选择原则 20
4.1.2型腔数目的确定 20
4.2浇注系统的设计 21
4.2.1主流道设计 21
4.2.2浇口设计 22
4.3排气系统的设计 23
4.3.1排气设计 23
4.3.2排气设计原则 23
4.4本章小结 23
5.成型与结构的零部件设计 25
5.1成型零件结构设计 25
5.2成型件刚度与强度的计算 27
5.2.1计算时需要考虑的问题 27
5.2.2型腔壁厚和底板厚度计算 28
5.3模具结构设计 30
5.3.1模具材料的选择 30
5.3.2模架的选定 31
5.3.3模架零部件设计 32
5.4本章小结 41
6.温度调节系统设计 42
6.1温度调节对塑件质量的影响 42
6.2对温度调节系统的要求 42
6.3温度调节系统设计 42
6.4冷却系统设计 43
6.4.1设计原则 43
6.4.2冷却管道设计 43
6.4.3冷却系统的结构 47
6.5本章小结 48
总结 49
参考文献 50
致谢 51
附录 图纸清单 52