

人寿保险在个人理财规划中的功能及应用研究,目录摘要 iiabstract iii引 言 11个人理财规划和人寿保险综述 21.1 个人理财规划 21.1.1 个人理财规划的含义 21.1.2 个人理财业务在我国的发展现状 21.2 人寿保险 32 人寿保险在个人理财规划中的功能 42.1 人寿保险在个人理财规划中的功能 ...
分类: 论文>经济学论文



原文档由会员 bshhty 发布



摘要 II
Abstract III
引 言 1
1个人理财规划和人寿保险综述 2
1.1 个人理财规划 2
1.1.1 个人理财规划的含义 2
1.1.2 个人理财业务在我国的发展现状 2
1.2 人寿保险 3
2 人寿保险在个人理财规划中的功能 4
2.1 人寿保险在个人理财规划中的功能 4
2.1.1 人寿保险的保障理财功能 4
2.1.2 人寿保险的投资理财功能 5
3 人寿保险在个人理财规划中的应用 6
3.1 基于生命周期理论的人寿保险应用 6
3.1.1 生命周期理财理论 6
3.2 人寿保险在子女教育规划中的应用 6
3.2.1 子女教育准备金的特点 6
3.2.2 教育保险的优势 7
3.3 人寿保险在退休养老规划中的应用 7
3.3.1 退休养老规划的必要性 7
3.3.3 退休养老规划的步骤 8
4 寿险用于个人理财规划存在的问题及建议 9
4.1 寿险用于个人理财规划存在的问题 9
4.1.1消费者寿险理财意识不充分 9
4.1.2 保险公司产品优势不突出 9
4.1.3 养老保险缺乏税收优惠 9
4.2 完善寿险用于个人理财规划的建议 10
4.2.1消费者要合理利用寿险理财 10
4.2.2 提高产品创新能力 10
4.2.3 明确养老保险税收优惠 10
结论 12
参考文献 13
致谢 15

摘 要


With China's rapid economic growth, the progress of the society, the personal income substantially improve and presents concentration trend and people for personal wealth attitude, concept and treatment compared with past has changed very greatly, personal finance gradually become the focus of attention. But life insurance as economic compensation, the financing and social management important means, in the national economy is becoming more and more important in life. Life insurance, it is a kind of important means of risk management, also is a kind of special used to dissolve and risk prevention financial tools, study life insurance in individual financial planning application has certain practical significance.
This paper firstly introduces personal financial planning and life insurance basic knowledge, then analyzes life-insurance in individual financial planning in the function, in individual financial planning, life insurance except there is the most basic safeguard function, but also the investment function and tax savings tax avoidance function. Secondly, through to the life insurance in life different stages of the financial planning and children education planning, retirement pension plan, points out its application research in the application process in existing problems, including consumer to life-insurance managing finances consciousness not fully, life insurance product innovation ability is insufficient, the products identical and puts forward his own some Suggestions

Keywords: The Life Insurance; Personal financial planning; Function; Application