

外资保险进入后中国人寿保险公司的发展对策研究,目 录摘要 Ⅲabstract iv引言 11 外资保险进入后对我国寿险行业的影响分析 11.1我国寿险业发展现状 22外保险进入中国的利弊分析 32.1 外资保险进入的不利影响 32.1.1观念的冲击 32.1.2险监管难度加大 32.1.3寿险市场份额被抢占 32.1.4...
分类: 论文>经济学论文



原文档由会员 bshhty 发布


目 录
摘要 Ⅲ
Abstract IV
引言 1
1 外资保险进入后对我国寿险行业的影响分析 1
1.1我国寿险业发展现状 2
2外保险进入中国的利弊分析 3
2.1 外资保险进入的不利影响 3
2.1.1观念的冲击 3
2.1.2险监管难度加大 3
2.1.3寿险市场份额被抢占 3
2.1.4客户被外资优质产品所吸引 4
2.1.5服务对民族寿险造成压力 4
2.1.6润率下降 4
2.1.7人才的流失 4
2.1.8术力量落后形成竞争落差 4
2.2外保险进入的有利影响 5
2.2.1 有利于人寿保险业进一步深化改革 5
2.2.2 有利于促进寿险中介市场的发展 5
2.2.3 有利于促进经营理念和经营方式的创新 5
2.2.4 有利于加快险种创新 5
2.2.5 有利于拓宽服务领域 6
2.2.6 有利于提高服务水平 6
3 中国人寿保险公司在寿险行业中的优劣分析 7
3.1优势分析 7
3.1.1 行业主导地位稳定 7
3.1.2 深入人心的寿险品牌 7
3.1.3 拥有最大的全国性客户群 7
3.1.4 健全的全国性多分销网络 8
3.1.5 遍布全国的客户支持 8
3.1.6 良好的社会关系 8
3.1.7 领先的资产管理者 8
3.2劣势分析 8
3.2.1 产品缺乏创新……………………………………………………………………...8
3.2.2 销售队伍整体水平相对落后……………………………………………………...9
3.2.3 客户结构不尽合理………………………………………………………………...9
3.2.4 投资渠道相对狭窄………………………………………………………………...9
3.2.5 经营观念过于传统………………………………………………………………...9
3.2.6 电子信息技术相对落后...........................................................................................9
4 中国人寿保险公司的发展对策………………………………………………………... 10
4.1 大力实施品牌战略………………………………………………………………….10
4.2 推进产品创新……………………………………………………………………….11
4.3 注重人力资源的开发.................................................................................................11
4.4 深化服务功能提高服务质量……………………………………………………….12
4.5 进行经营观念创新………………………………………………………………….13
4.6 提高电子信息技术水平…………………………………………………………….13

摘 要



Nowadays, the insurance industry, as a financial industry is an important part of social reproduction, is now an indispensable part, insurance brokerage development and penetration in economic society eachdomain, insurance companies and people's life, has the important status in society, the opportunities and challenges faced by all concerned. But at present, in China for approval by the circ admitted to the impact of foreign insurance, how to speed up the development of our country's insurance company with innovation pace, has become priority. Based on the life insurance industry an important branch of the insurance industry as the main research direction, this paper analyses present situation and foreign insurance pp.406-423 entering China in China after the whole life insurance industry, the favorable influence and adverse effects, and with China life insurance company as the main research object, and analyzes its important role in the life insurance industry, as well as its own advantages and disadvantages, and emphatically discusses China life insurance company in today's environment, for the variety of feasible countermeasures for the development of life insurance industry in China to provide some reference points

Keywords: Foreign-funded insurance; Life insurance industry; Innovation;Brand strategy