
  •   2007温州大学物理化学考研真题

    2007温州大学物理化学考研真题 一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共40分) 1. 当理想气体分别经绝热过程(1)和等压过程(2),其温度由298K升高到348K时,两个过程的焓变 应是( ) (A) (B) (C) (D) 无法比较 2. 反应3A+B=2C,当反应物A从6 mol变到3 mol时,则反应进度的改变值 为( ) (A) 1 mol (B) 3 mol (C) 2..

  •   2012《阅读基础90篇》考研英语经典阅读必备


  •   基于完善我国建设工程招投标制度的思考(外文翻译)

    Based on perfect our country's bidding for construction project of system thinking Abstract: the public bidding system for the success of China's construction is the key to the development of enterprise reform and perfect the system, is the healthy and orderly development of China's construct..

  •   浅谈微型计算机的维护(外文翻译)

    Pick to: this paper briefly introduces the basic knowledge of micro computer maintenance and maintenance in the problems should pay attention to, and I hope to help. Keywords: miniature computer system hardware failures software failure With the development of science and technology, comp..

  •   关于计算机死机性故障原因的探讨(外文翻译)

    Abstract: refer to the related computer crash fault phenomena and the solving methods of data, and combined with the actual work, summarizes the computer software and hardware, the two aspects of common cause and solution method to crash. But, computer hardware and software both aspects of the cr..

  •   企业成本管理对企业发展影响(外文资料及中文翻译)

    Enterprise cost management in enterprise's global as object, the enterprise according to the general development strategy and work. Enterprise cost management primary mission is to focus on strategy space, process, the cost performance, can be interpreted as the strategic choice of how to organiz..

  •   每年英语考研试卷都出现的单词


  •   重庆大学微观经济学教学大纲

    第一篇 概论第一章 经济学概论本章论述经济学的基本问题,包括经济学的任务、发展、分类和内容。第一节是明确经济学的任务。不同的经济社会和经济学派,对经济学的任务有不同的理解。为了与社会主义基本经济规律一致,我们将经济学的任务界定为:在一定的经济社会条件下,如何有效地利用可供选择的有限资源,以求人..

  •   英语语言学概论-重难点内容解析

    Questions & Answers on Key Points of Linguistics1.1. What is language?“Language is system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. It is a system, since linguistic elements are arranged systematically, rather than randomly. Arbitrary, in the sense that there is usually no ..



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