So far, the details of science of sand casting processes have been discussed. But sand casting is not suitable nor economical in many applications where the special casting process would be more appropriate. In the following pages the details of some of the commonly used special casting methods ..
摘 要:一种用于测量电梯导轨质量参数的系统已经开发出来。该系统可以测量的质量参数包括轨道的直线度,平面度,垂直度,宽度和高度。该系统由六部分组成:主导轨,辅助导轨,参考导轨,底座,套管和标准导轨。待测导轨安装在底座上。表面的直线度误差由安装在底座上的五个线性位移传感器来检查。导轨高度及其表面直线度..
n the past 150 years, the United States has become increasingly dependent on fossil fuel combustion for transportation, power generation, and industrial processes. But combustion of fossil fuels has an environmental price, including air and water pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Today, the..
摘要本文介绍了一种数字车牌识别技术,该技术采用RULES-3的归纳学习算法和模板匹配技术。用于识别的车牌中的数字或字母都保存为20个2 的掩码中。论文采用RULES-3套规则来检测并识别每个车牌中包含的学习算法和模板匹配技术。用于识别的车牌中的数字或字母都保存为20个的掩码中。论文采用RULES-3套规则来检测并识别每个车..
Summary: Control structure of rifts is a relatively simple and common problems, but it is a door and the mechanics and regong, waiting for material to the professional knowledge is very close relations of comprehensive and complex subject and are building in order to ensure the quality of the imp..
The automobile engines can be classified according to :1.number of cylinders ;2.arrangement of cylinders ;3.arrangement of valves ;4.type of cooling ;5.number of cycles (two or four );6.type of fuel burned ;7.type of ignition .The engine is the source of power that makes the wheels go around and..
1.绪论当今的工业的竞争已经是真正意义上的国际市场竞争。 高效的运输网络建立了一个我们每天都要参与的 “世界市场”。 对于任何工业化国家要参与这个市场竞争,就必须采用一种适时的方式为其客户提供经济、优质的产品。将产品设计和过程设计进行集成的重要性,在产品系统被怎么强调都不为过。但是, 即使一种设计最终..