
  •   机械毕业外文翻译----车床及车削加工

    1 LathesLathes are machine tools designed primarily to do turning, facing and boring, Very little turning is done on other types of machine tools, and none can do it with equal facility. Because lathes also can do drilling and reaming, their versatility permits several operations to be done with ..

  •   人力资源会计体系在我国的构建--------外文翻译

    Human resource accounting system in our country's constructionzhangqinghua . The Journal of HRA, May 2004AbstractFrom the century early 1970s beginning, along with the progress of the society and the high technology unceasing development and application, and quickly into productivity, and human i..

  •   关于综合运用局部和整体储存方式的储冰系统的应用-----外文翻译

    Performance of ice storage system utilizing a combined partial and full storage strategyAbstract A combined system is a new thermal storage strategy adopted in this study with which the two other known strategies namely, partial and full load, are compared. The results revealed that the combined ..

  •   融资的外文翻译------香港创业板市场前景(原文+译文)

    香港创业板市场前景简介 香港在尝试建立一个成功的成长型公司市场时所面临的问题与英国差不多相同——伦敦证券交易所是在经历了非上市证券市场和所谓的规则第4.2 条市场的失败后,才推出了以轻度监管,披露为主及买方注意承担风险为概念的AIM。如讨论文件中所述,AIM在多方面均为世界领先的增长型公司市场。确实,一..

  •   关于工作面煤尘控制的研究-----外文翻译

    On the long wall of coal dust control Robert and George IntroductionSince the 1969 Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety act passed, the PBM has been actively exploring the coal dust inhalation. Until a few years ago, the main research project is to develop an..

  •   供配电系统-----外文翻译

    Power Supply and Distribution SystemABSTRACT: The basic function of the electric power system is to transport the electric power towards customers. The l0kV electric distribution net is a key point that connects the power supply with the electricity using on the industry, business and daily-life...

  •   改进型智能机器人的语音识别方法----外文翻译

    Improved speech recognition methodfor intelligent robot2、Overview of speech recognitionSpeech recognition has received more and more attention recently due to the important theoretical meaning and practical value [5 ]. Up to now, most speech recognition is based on conventional linear system the..

  •   电子物流外文翻译----电子物流:斯洛文尼亚运输物流集群信息化

    AbstractIn search of higher competitiveness, organizations are in search of innovative business models in order to foster economic benefits. In Slovenia, several clusters are being formed, including the Slovenian Transport Logistics Cluster (STLC) as one of the most important cluster. Currently, ..

  •   电子客户关系管理(e-CRM)-------- 外文资料翻译




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