
  •   锂电池充电器的设计 外文文献译文和原文

    The design of the lithium battery chargerIntroductionLi-Ion rechargeable batteries are finding their way into many applications due to their size, weight and energy storage advantages.These batteries are already considered the preferred battery in portable computer applications, displacing NiMH..

  •   解决嵌入式OPENGL难题-使标准、工具和APIS能在高度嵌入和安全的环境中一起工作外..

    解决嵌入式OPENGL难题-使标准、工具和APIS能在高度嵌入和安全的环境中一起工作 摘要作为定义和表现屏幕图象来说,嵌入式的HMIS正在使用OpenGL来表现API.由于图形加速子系统和商业驱动的出现,这一趋势能被很好的支持。同时,嵌入的图形工具和软件厂商已经在他们的API中支持OpenGL。因为其高度的嵌入和关键的安全环境..

  •   基于web的教材的设计问题 外文翻译

    基于web的教材的设计问题Eric A. Meyer Case Western Reserve UniversityCleveland OH 44106, USA eam3@po.cwru.edu 摘要在WWW的发展中,基于计算机的培训(CBT)是一个经常被忽略的领域。作家有能力跨越全球教育读者。同样地,读者随时能利用基于WEB的CBT,选择为他们工作得最好的站点。作家应当估计他们的教材在读者身上..

  •   基于TCP/IP协议的并联机器人远程控制的研究 英文文献与中文翻译

    英文文献与中文翻译 Based on the TCP / IP protocol parallel robot remote control of With the rapid development of network technology, its application has penetrated into all fields, and the Internet to further promote the rapid development of technology in the network Robot control of the applicat..

  •   高级Bash脚本编程指南(外文文献翻译)

    高级Bash脚本编程指南一个对脚本编程技术的深入讨论1:简介Shell是一个命令解释器。它是操作系统内核和用户之间的绝缘层,也是一种功能强大的编程语言。一个Shell程序,通常被称作为脚本,它是由系统调用,命令工具,软件包和已编译的二进制包"结合" 起来的容易使用的工具。事实上,shell脚本可以调用整个UNIX系统命令,..

  •   第一章 PS2鼠标 键盘协议 外文文献译文和原文

    第一章 PS/2鼠标 键盘协议 Introduction: 引言 The PS/2 device interface, used by many modern mice and keyboards, was developed by IBM and originally appeared in the IBM Technical Reference Manual. However, this document has not been printed for many years and as far as I know, there is current..

  •   对话( dialog ) 外文文献译文和原文

    TranslationSIP: Session Initiation ProtocolThis document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "InternetOfficial Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardiz..

  •   单片机芯片AT89S51说明书 外文文献译文和原文

    DATASHEET OF AT89S51 8-bit microcontroller with 4k Bytes in-system programmable FlashBookmarks ---Features---Description---Pin Configurations---Pin Description---Special Function Registers---Memory Organization---Watchdog Timer ---Using the WDT---WDT during Power-down and Idle---UART---Timer 0 ..

  •   纯servlet:重新考虑视图 外文文献译文和原文

    纯servlet:重新考虑视图对于具有动态内容的Web页面,可以使用Java™Server Pages(JSP)技术将开发人员和UI设计人员的工作分离开来。遗憾的是,JSP对于许多设计人员来说太复杂了,所以Java开发人员只好自己处理JSP代码,这往往会产生令人不满意的结果。本文演示一种非正统的替代方法:通过使用简单的helper对象,..



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