
  •   UNIX操作系统 外文文献译文和原文

    1.What is an UNIXAn operating system originally developed by Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson at AT&T Bell Laboratories that allows a computer to handle multiple users and programs simultaneously.Since its development in the early 1970s,UNIX has been enhanced by many individuals and particularl..

  •   Struts标签库 外文翻译

    外文资料所译外文资料:① 作者:Ted Husted② 书名:Struts in Action③ 所译章节:10.310.3 The Struts taglibsFirst, your application is not constrained to using only the Struts tags. Tag extensions are a standard Java technology. Other standard libraries are available,including Sun’s JSP Standard T..

  •   SMTP服务扩展的认证机制 外文翻译

    SMTP服务扩展的认证机制这个文档详细说明了因特网团体的一个标准的协议的发展,以及对其改进和建议提出了要求。说到这,为了标准化这个协议的状态和地位,就必须提及目前最新的“Internet 官方协议的标准”(STD1)。发送这个文档是不受限制的。版权须知版权所有-1999年 Internet 团体。所有权利将得到保留。1 简介这个..

  •   JAVA学习过程 译文+原文

    Java Learning Path processEach person's study method is different, a person's method suits another person not necessarily, I only can discuss own study method. Because I study Java am study independently completely, has not asked others, therefore the study process basically is completely oneself..

  •   JSP技术概述 外文翻译

    Overview of JSP TechnologyBenefits of JSPJSP pages are translated into servlets. So, fundamentally, any task JSP pages can perform could also be accomplished by servlets. However, this underlying equivalence does not mean that servlets and JSP pages are equally appropriate in all scenarios. The i..

  •   ERP 存在的问题和应用整合的问题 外文文献译文和原文

    ERP 存在的问题和应用整合的问题:一个基于经验的调查Marinos Themistocleous, Zahir Irani, Robert M. O’Keefe and Ray PaulInformation Systems eva luation GroupDepartment of Information Systems and ComputingBrunel University, Uxbridge, UB8 3PH, UK{Marinos.Themistocleous | Zahir.Irani | Bob.Okeefe | Ray..

  •   JAVA 2 开发 考试 (译文+原文

    翻译原文:In this second example, we will take a nuts-and-bolts approach to exam preparation and code more examples of the major pieces. If you are unfamiliar with one or two of the major areas touched by the assignment------Swing development, say, or RMI implementation------these examples can he..

  •   ASP简介 外文文献译文和原文

    译 文内容介绍什么是ASPASP怎样工作图书目录介绍ASP有很多有用的信息被用在这个网站或者其它网站。如果你有大量的时间去搜索这些信息你会发现你的大部分问题的答案。但是如果你想找出什么工具能够调试ASP或者怎么样能够找出其中的错误那你就要做更深一层的探索了。这篇文章提供了一种简单的方法去发现属于ASP的信息,包..

  •   ASPNET 技术 外文文献译文和原文

    ASP.NET Technique 1. Building ASP.NET PagesASP.NET and the .NET FrameworkASP.NET is part of Microsoft's overall .NET framework, which contains a vast set of programming classes designed to satisfy any conceivable programming need. In the following two sections, you learn how ASP.NET fits within ..



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