
  •   通过Microsoft SQL Server 70 存取异构的数据(外文文献翻译)

    Summary: This article addresses the strategies and techniques for transparently accessing data in a heterogeneous environment with Microsoft SQL Server 7.0. (27 printed pagesIntroductionEnterprise business applications increasingly are being designed to run in a distributed computing environment...

  •   数据转换服务(外文文献翻译)

    DTS facilitates the import, export, and transformation of heterogeneous data. It supports transformations between source and target data using an OLE DB-based architecture. This allows you to move and transform data between the following data sources:• Native OLE DB providers such as SQL Se..

  •   数据库应用程序的开发(外文文献翻译)

    Database applications let users interact with information that is stored in databases. Databases provide structure for the information, and allow it to be shared among different applications. Delphi provides support for relational database applications. Relational databases organize information i..

  •   数据管理(外文文献翻译)

    1.Why Data Management?We have already considered hardware and software in some detail. In this chapter, we turn our attention to a third basic computer resource, data. Many computer applications require that data be stored for subsequent processing. [1] Simply storing the data is not enough, howe..

  •   如何在程序中的任何地方取得当前Cview和Cdocument的指针(外文文献翻译)

    Anywhere SUMMARY In a Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) Windows-based application, it is often useful to be able to get a pointer to the currently active document or view from anywhere in the program. For example, being able to access the current document from a dialog box is sometimes useful..

  •   卡里•詹森著所著的《ADONET的数据存储》(外文文献翻译)

    Abstract: This article is the second in a series to look at ADO.NET. In this installment we take a look at the ADO.NET data storage classes. The .NET framework provides a series of interfaces, types, and classes in the System.Data second-level namespace that serve as the basis of data access. The..

  •   连接数据库 BDE ADO(外文文献翻译)

    As shown in the previous chapter of this course, a database is a collection of one or more tables that store data in a structured format. These tables, contain data that is represented by rows and fields. When a database consists of two or more tables, these tables generally contain separate yet ..

  •   活动服务器页面(外文翻译)

    Just like ASPs,JSPs contain HTML for page layout and use embedded Java programming code that allows dynamic content to be displayed on a Web page. The JSP gets compiled into servlet byte code to process the Web browser request to a database or another application. JSP developers use static HTM..

  •   对象入门(外文文献翻译)

    The genesis of the computer revolution was in a machine.The genesis of our programming languages thus tends tolook like that machine.But computers are not so much machines as they are mind amplificationtools (“bicycles for the mind,” as Steve Jobs is fond of saying) and adifferent kind of expre..



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