
  •   JSP简介(外文文献翻译)

    David Markley is a software engineering manager at Terra Lycos. He writes games on the side and is most known for Hextris. He hopes one day to live in a Hobbit hole ("They're environmentally friendly, don't you know...")Page 1.Choosing a server-side language used to be easy. Way back when, CGI wa..

  •   JSP 技术 -- 是友还是敌?(外文文献翻译)

    An old Java technology hand and new Enhydra partisan, the author urges developers to consider alternatives to JavaServer Pages (JSP) servlets when choosing an approach to coding Web applications. JSP technology, part of Sun's J2EE platform and programming model, serves as a solution to the common..

  •   Java技术(外文文献翻译)


  •   Java 编程语言基础(外文文献翻译)

    Like applications, applets are created from classes. However, applets do not have a main method as an entry point, but instead, have several methods to control specific aspects of applet execution. This lesson converts an application from Lesson 2 to an applet and describes the structure and elem..

  •   HL7介绍(外文文献翻译)

    1.1 PURPOSEThis document provides assistance to health care institutions, hospital information systems vendors,consultants and other support groups that are considering systems development and implementation activities in a multi-system environment using the Health Level Seven (HL7) protocol. Thi..

  •   AutoCAD 的一般特性(外文文献翻译)

    AutoCAD is a general purpose computer aided drafting application program designed for use on single-user, desktop personal computers and graphic workstations. It was initially developed in the early 1980's by Autodesk Inc., Sausalito, California. It is currently distributed in Australia by Autode..

  •   ASP开发者的20项注意(外文文献翻译)

    ASP开发者的20项注意防火墙会阻止黑客从你所连接的网络直接进入你的计算机。Windows管理员会始终保持系统处在最新状态以避免感染像Nimda和Code Red这样的蠕虫病毒。同时也会使用密码来保证安全性。即便如此,我们的系统就真的安全了吗?然而现在不像几年前那样对数量的攻击显得那么脆弱了。阻断断口和安装补丁对黑客已经..

  •   指纹IC卡考试管理系统

    指纹IC卡考试管理系统 摘要 众所周知:每个人的指纹是唯一的并且终生不变的。依靠这种唯一性和稳定性,我们就可以把一个人同他的指纹对应起来,通过比较他的指纹和预先保存的指纹进行比较,就可以验证他的真实身份。这就是指纹识别技术。作为生物特征识别的一种,由于它具有其它特征识别所不可比拟的优点,使得自..

  •   资本结构与公司价值的实证研究




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