当前的全球化进程是否会停滞不前?在全球政治经济金融体系变动不居的今天,全球化还能够按照其既定的方式推进下去吗?环顾当前的世界,美国对恐怖主义宣战,阿根廷的金融体系陷入崩塌,全球经济陷入衰退,都不断地给我们提出这样的疑问。一 当前全球化的进程面临停滞的挑战纵观全球近百年的现代化发展历程,全球范围内的..
从今天起步走上明日的辉煌之路 ——从上虞第一百货公司透视国内信息企业的现状与未来为更好地了解我国信息企业的现状并展望其未来,特于2004年8月中旬开始对上虞第一百货公司进行了历时一个月左右的社会调查,主要采用实地观察和访问调查的方法去深入了解该公司的各主要部门,由此对其在信息管理系..
The Sounds of SpeechIdentifying Words When we speak we say words and when spoken to we hear words. In normal discourse, however, we do not separate---the---words---by---short---pauses, but rather run one word into the next. Yet in spite of this we still hear utterances as composed of discrete wo..
The Deep Underlying Structure Of CultureChinese think polite should be applied in every occasion, but do you know sometimes the good manner will get you a counter result? You will feel unhappy and unsatisfy with your western friend’s cheeseparing when he gives you a small part of the birthday ca..
Language and BrainThe Domain of Study Many linguistics departments offer a course entitled 'Language and Brain' or 'Language and Mind.' Such a course examines the relationship between linguistic theories and actual language use by children and adults. Findings are presented from research on a va..
Cataphoric Pronouns------ A Comparison between English and ChineseWhile anaphoric pronouns have been a hot spot of discussion, little ink has been spoiled on cataphoric pronouns, which occur less frequently both in English and in Chinese. This paper aims at a tentative analysis of the cataphoric ..