
  •   On Improving Oral English by English Movies

    The world of today is characterized by enormous flows of various kinds of information. People are engaged in vast interactions irrespective of nationality culture or mother tongue. On the political scene an increased openness and extended international co-operation are obvious signs of the times...

  •   Influences of Dashboard on a Business Organization04-04-

    A concept “dashboard” was introduced a few years ago but it was not familiar to the majority. It was utilized by only high-level executives whereas it is used as measurement tool by various levels of employees at present. As for a business organization it is necessary for them to get the right ..

  •   制造企业生产物流的研究


  •   金融危机与温州房地产

    摘要:通过对金融危机、温州房地产现状以及二者的关系进行分析的基础上,并结合当前经济形势下,深入探讨了国际金融危机给温州房地产带来的影响,并从消费者角度,提出了一些指导性的建议。关键词:金融危机 温州房地产 购房消费

  •   A0049-How Globalization and Trade Liberalization Have Impacted Positively and..

    Since the “Open Door” policy was launched in 1978 ,and China has been joined World Trade Organization (WTO) for almost eight years export supplies and import demands in China are increasing in recent years. Agricultural products are one of the largest export merchandises of China. The trade of..

  •   A Report of Making Good Use of Sustainability in International Trade

    The purpose of this report is to explain the relation among development trade liberalization and sustainability through empirical analysis of a company named Shangtex Holding Corporation. Moreover it also proposes its sustainability agenda and the position of the company in the next decade.

  •   关于企业财务分权中存在的问题及对策


  •   A0046-关于财务决策、执行、监督“三权”分立研究doc


  •   The Comparison of the Metaphors of Love in Chinese and English Cultures

    Abstract: In the traditional rhetoric metaphor is only a figure of speech while in the newly rising cognitive linguistics metaphor occupies a central position and it is regarded as an important cognitive tool to help us understand this world better and clearer. It is so important that it has be..



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